Sunday, November 21, 2010

5S Tips Kekal Segar Sepanjang Pagi

Anda mengalami masalah mengantuk di waktu pagi? Rasulullah s.a.w. tidak tidur selepas menunaikan solat subuh kerana Allah s.w.t. memberkati umat ini yang berpagi-pagi, seperti satu hadith yang berbunyi:

"Ya Allah, berkatilah umatku yang berpagi-pagi"

Untuk itu, para fuqaha' memakruhkan tidur selepas solat subuh. Disebutkan ulama bahawa tidur selepas solat Subuh adalah makruh, dikecualikan dari kemakruhan ini adalah mereka yang berjaga malam uuntuk qiyam dan sebagainya.

Ada tips yang boleh diamalkan jika kita mahu kekal berjaga pada waktu pagi. Tips ini saya dapat dari ayah sahabat saya. Mari kita amlkan 5S ini :

1) Subuh

Jangan tinggal solat Subuh bagi yang boleh melaksanakannya. Dan lebih elok, sambung dengan bacaan Ma'thurat atau al-Quran.

2) Senaman

Buatlah senaman yang ringan dalam rumah, kalau rajin, berjoging di luar rumah. Jalan kaki juga dikira senaman.

3) Sembang

Rupanya borak-borak pun boleh hilangkan mengantuk. Selalu juga buat kalau ada sahabat yang turut tidak tidur lepas subuh. Tapi jangan sembangbenda- benda yang lagha; nanti pagi-pagi sudah kumpul dosa. Nauzubillah.

4) Sapu rumah

Betul, kalau tidak percaya, cubalah. Ini juga salah satu senaman.

5) Selesai atau Sempurna

Pastikan semua yang kita buat tu semuanya selesai. Yela, nak hilangkan mengantuk, kita pun pergi la cari penyapu nak sapu rumah, tapi tidak sampai 3 minit, kita sudah masuk tidur balik sebab tak tahan mengantuk sangat.

Kesimpulannya, tips 5S ini perlulah dilaksanakan dengan sempurna supaya ia betul- betul berkesan. Dan bagi saya, ada dua S yang saya buat untuk hilangkan mengantuk dan tidak tidur lepas subuh.

Pertama, saya Segarkan diri (mandi), bila tubuh dah segar secara tak langsung, saya rasa semangat, tidak banyak pun sikit.

Kedua, Stadi atau Siapkan kerja yang tidak siap. Masa ni la saya ambil peluang selesaikan tugasan yang pensyarah bagi sebab malam selalunya saya tidur awal.

Ok, selamat beramal dan jika ingin wajah berseri ataupun awet muda, jangan amal tidur lepas Subuh ye :D

Monday, June 14, 2010

Guide to Golf Rules

This article explains a few things about golf rules, and if you're interested, then this is worth reading, because you can never tell what you don't know. Is everything making sense so far? If not, I'm sure that with just a little more reading, all the facts will fall into place.

Golf is an old game; records show that it originated in Netherlands in the year 1297. The initial equipment was a stick and a leather ball, which scholarly individuals play. Today, varieties to golf clubs are being used to play this game. Players are commonly the upper class individuals, however, developments introduced golfing to the middle class individuals as well. It is therefore useful for golf players to know the rules before embarking on laying their foot on the tee.

This article will guide you to some of the important golf rules to follow while playing this game.

It may help to mention at this point, that the two large golf organizations that take care of the establishment and enforcement of the rules are the United States Golf Association (USGA) and The Royal and Ancient Golf Club of Saint Andrews (R&A).

Both these bodies carry the flag of fairness in the rules. To help you play this game fair and square, keep in mind rules of the game and apply. Let these rules guide you and enjoy playing this relaxing game on the green, in the bunker and even on the water hazard.

Golf Rules

- Follow the equipment rules; depending on the tournament you are joining, you will need to bring the proper gear before you will be allowed to play.

- Players should play the ball right in the position where it rested after a stroke.

- Player must not accept assistance in making a stroke.

- The course must not be altered to gain advantage over the opponent

- The ball will only be replaced once proven unplayable or destroyed.

- An amateur player should not have received money for playing the game.

This is the general rule; some diversions to the rule apply in some other associations. However, most golfers all over the world follow the above rules.

The rules however will not make sure that you are going to be able to play a good game. Practice and fairness in all aspect of the game need to be followed and you are well on your way to enjoying the game to its fullest.

Finally, the choice of your golf club may also be important. You however do not need to buy expensive and branded golf clubs. This is a common mistake of golf beginners, they purchase costly golf clubs and when they finally hit the green, they are not comfortable with their equipment, they fail in their effort, and their hard-earned money went flying out their window.

The recommendation of golf experts is that you use the equipment you are comfortable with. Buying a secondhand golf club will be advantageous for beginning golfers. If you have extra money, invest on your shoes and other gear rather than the branded golf clubs.


Following the rules of the game is always important; practice and fairness are rules you need to be particularly focused on. Golf etiquette is likewise important. The rules, the equipment and the game etiquette in playing this relaxing game will ensure enjoyment in the green.

Hopefully the sections above have contributed to your understanding of golf rules. Share your new understanding about golf rules with others. They'll thank you for it.

This is recommended product to improve your Golf Playing:

  1. Simple Golf Tips - Lengthen Your Drive and Shave 7 Strokes off your Next Round
  2. How To Break 80® will drastically improve your game!
  3. Instant Golf Slice Cure
  4. Golf Swing Book - Better Golf Guaranteed

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Golf Etiquette Rules

Golf Etiquette RulesThis article explains a few things about golf etiquette, and if you're interested, then this is worth reading, because you can never tell what you don't know. Knowledge can give you a real advantage. To make sure you're fully informed about golf etiquette, keep reading.

Most people do not realize that when you are playing on those green hills on a beautiful Saturday morning there are rules to follow. You can’t just show up, hit some balls into some holes and call it a day. There are rules of golf. There are even long, descriptive, detailed books about these rules. Well, I will make it easy for you. I am giving you the five basic etiquette guidelines to follow when playing golf. Guidelines that veteran players need to brush up on as much as beginners need to know.

Tee Times - Most of the time, you may want to reserve a tee time to arrive at the gold course to play. When you and your golf buddies schedule a tee time, actually show up for the tee time. There is nothing ruder than making an appointment and not sticking to it. If your group misses your tee time, you could lose your spot and have to wait around for another opening. In fact, a good rule of thumb will be to arrive earlier than your scheduled time. This way you can warm up by hitting a few balls at the driving range.

Equipment - Make sure you have your equipment with you. Borrowing clubs is not necessarily frowned upon but you do not want to bother your companions by continuously asking to borrow their clubs. When arriving at the golf course, make sure you have all the clubs you need, not to exceed fourteen. Also, have enough tees and balls with you.

Dress - Check on your golf course’s dress code. Most courses do require certain attire. Khaki shorts and a button up shirt will fit the attire at most courses, but you may want to check just to make sure. Golf shoes and golf gloves are usually up to the player but you should check before arriving empty handed. Be sure to have extra loose bills on you for tipping purposes.

Course - These beautiful courses don’t deserve you coming in and being all rough and rude to it. Follow the rules of the golf cart. Do not drive where you aren’t supposed to, and especially keep them away from greens and hazards. Be sure to repair any divots and ball marks on the green. Never take a divot on a practice swing. And, finally, rake all sand traps to erase footprints and damage to area where your ball was.

Pace Appropriately - Having to wait on people is annoying. Making people wait on you is rude. Watch the game. Be ready for your turn. Wave faster groups around you if you are moving slowly. Keep pace with the group ahead of you. Do not waste too much time looking for a lost ball. If you want to keep to the five minutes allowed, wave groups behind you ahead so you will not hold them up.

Golf can be a fun, relaxing way to spend a morning, afternoon or even a full day. You can enjoy that time either alone or with a group of friends or coworkers. Just remember that golf is a game and just as in most games there are rules to follow. Remember the golden rule? Yeah, keep to that.

SUMMARY: Golf may be fun and relaxing but it has rules. Keep to the rules and the etiquette guidelines to make it enjoyable for yourself as well as all the other players on the course.

Now you can understand why there's a growing interest in golf etiquette. When people start looking for more information about golf etiquette, you'll be in a position to meet their needs.

This is recommended product to improve your Golf Playing:

  1. Simple Golf Tips - Lengthen Your Drive and Shave 7 Strokes off your Next Round
  2. How To Break 80® will drastically improve your game!
  3. Instant Golf Slice Cure
  4. Golf Swing Book - Better Golf Guaranteed

Just a Little Golf History

So what is golf history really all about? The following report includes some fascinating information about golf history--info you can use, not just the old stuff they used to tell you.You may not consider everything you just read to be crucial information about golf history. But don't be surprised if you find yourself recalling and using this very information in the next few days.

The origin of golf is hard to place exactly. Several countries are claiming that they started the now popular game, but the most believed is the Netherlands. According to history, the Netherlands had the ideas of hitting balls into holes with a golf club in the 17th century. In addition to this, it is said that the word golf comes from the Dutch was kolf which means stick, club and bat. It does NOT come from the acronym "gentlemen only, ladies forbidden." Despite this early introduction of golf, it did not come around in the United States until the 1880s.

The oldest course in the world dates back to St. Andrews Trails, located in the Royal Burgh of St. Andrews, Fife, Scotland. This course is known as the "home of golf".

Even though it is commonly known that golf courses have eighteen holes, according to history, this has not always been so. Golfers at St. Andrews played on a route that was determined by the topography of the area. An eleven-hole course came about and players would play all eleven, turn around and play them again - twenty-two holes. Some thought that the holes were to short in 1764, so were combined with other holes. The number was reduced from eleven to nine, leaving a total of eighteen holes.

The size of the golf hole even goes back in history. The standard golf hole size is 4.25 inches in diameter. It was the St. Andrews Trails that were the founders of this standard size, with some assistance from the links at Musselburgh. This size was decided upon because the folks at Musselburgh had invented the first known hole cutter in 1829. This cutter utilized a tool that was 4.25 inches in diameter. St. Andrews simply liked that size and adopted it for the games standard hole size.

The common used phrases in the game of golf are birdie, eagle and par. The word bird was a slang term in the 19th century that referred to anything considered remotely cool. So the term was used then for a great shot in a game of golf - one that led to a score under par - and was eventually turned into birdie. The word eagle followed along those lines in keeping with the bird mentality. Par was used long before it became associated with the game of golf and basically meant something that was acceptable or average. The word simply became associated over time with the game of golf to indicate an ideal score among golfers.

Where did these rules come from? Well, you honestly cannot play a game, any game, without rules. So from the very beginning there had to have been understood rules to play along with. No one knows what those rules were as the rules were never officially written until they were specifically written in 1744 for the Annual Challenge for the Edinburgh Silver Club.

SUMMARY: Golf didn’t just come around yesterday. It has a history. And to fully enjoy and understand the game, you need to know where it came from. Learn a little!

The day will come when you can use something you read about here to have a beneficial impact. Then you'll be glad you took the time to learn more about golf history.

This is recommended product to improve your Golf Playing:

  1. Simple Golf Tips - Lengthen Your Drive and Shave 7 Strokes off your Next Round
  2. How To Break 80® will drastically improve your game!
  3. Instant Golf Slice Cure
  4. Golf Swing Book - Better Golf Guaranteed